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Dedicated in memory of Robert Ives z"l by his wife, Annie and sons: David, Jeremy & Saul, daughters-in law: Naomi & Melissa and cherished grandchildren.

The Beth Jacob Women's Parsha Club brings women of all ages and across all Beth Jacob minyanim together to learn and be inspired through Shabbat morning shiurim. The shiurim topics range and have been given by various local educators and Torah scholars. Lecturers have included: Yoetzet Dr. Jordana Topp, Dr. Hindi Posy, Rebbetzin Chava Tombosky, Malka Popper and Dr. Miriam Sterm.

The BJC Women's Parsha Club has expanded beyond monthly shabbat shiurim and has recently included an inspirational evening with educator and Kallah teacher, Mrs. Elimor Ryzman. 

To sponsor a Women's Parsha Club speaker, please click HERE.

To join our Whatsapp group for notification about upcoming speakers, please click HERE

Featured Presenters


Judaic Studies Faculty, Yavneh Academy


Author, Speaker  & Rebbetzin

Dr. Hindy Posy, MD, ID 

Board Certified High-Risk
Obstetrician and Attorney

Rebbetzin Jordana Topp, DMD 

Dentist and the Los Angeles Yoetzet Halacha

Dr. Miriam Stern  

Associate Professor and Vice Provost 
for Educational Strategy at Hebrew Union College

Raizi Chechik

Community Scholar at the Jewish Center in New York City.
Former Head of School at Manhattan Day School and SKA High School

Carli Becker

Teacher of Judaic Studies at Yeshivat Yavneh (7th & 8th grade)

Malka Popper

Chief Academic Officer at Shalhevet High School


Elimor Ryzman

Teacher and Inspiring lecturer on an array of women's topics, marriage, relationships
Jewish thought and halacha

Michal Reinitz

Executive Director of Shirat David in Efrat, Torah educator and community leader

Rabbanit Esti Rosenberg

Head of Migdal Oz in Israel

Tabby REfael

Award-winning Writer, Speaker and Weekly Editorial Columnist for the Jewish Journal, and co-founder of 30-yYears After. Born in Tehran, Tabby is also a former child survivor of the Iran-Iraq War.

Dr. Miriam Goldstein

Professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Hebrew Universtiy of Jerusalem.

Shabbat starts Friday: 6:53PM
Shabbat ends Saturday: 7:54PM
Sun, March 23 2025 23 Adar 5785