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Rabbi's Welcome

In his book The Great Good Place, sociologist Ray Oldenburg develops the concept of a “Third Place” which, he explains, is a hangout spot, community center or “home away from home” that provides a person with an essential space outside of home and work. For so many in the Los Angeles-Beverly Hills Jewish community, their “third place” is Beth Jacob, where we connect with one another, build relationships, and grow as Jews and human beings. 

Beth Jacob is known to be a quintessential “Beit Haknesset- “house of gathering,” with an atmosphere that is warm, welcoming, and non-judgmental. Our congregation’s vibrant spiritual ambiance, nourished by the goodness of our members, is the driving force behind the many enriching opportunities we provide for Torah study, tefillah, chesed, and inclusive programming for all ages. We’re united by the core values of Mitzvot, Jewish peoplehood and the State of Israel, yet each person is appreciated and respected as an individual with a unique story, who can make her or his own distinctive mark.

What truly makes our community special is the care and concern that we have for one another’s wellbeing, through the thick and thin. We invite you to pray, study or celebrate with us, to experience the vibrance of our tradition and the warmth of our congregational family.

~Rabbi Kalman Topp

Shabbat starts Friday: 6:42PM
Shabbat ends Saturday: 7:43PM
Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785