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“Prayer is the language of the soul in conversation with God. It is the most intimate gesture of the religious life and the most transformative.”

(Rabbi Sacks)

Tefillah at Beth Jacob allows you to reconnect to Hashem and renew your spirit through the power of community and song. Tefillah serves as the focal point of our spiritual engagement and Beth Jacob has always stood for excellence in Tefillah, starting with our Chazan and Rabbinic Staff to the entire congregation.

Tefillah is also a sacred and obligatory Mitzvah, one that we, at Beth Jacob, strive to perform by the highest standards. Our sanctuary reverberates with decades of soulful, passionate expressions of hopes, dreams, pleas, and thanksgivings.  Week in and week out, the energy of our Tefillot extends throughout the year, with multiple minyanim around the clock. If you are looking for a place to elevate your prayer experience Beth Jacob is the place for you!

At the Shulchan

We encourage all men to join us as a Baal Koreh. If you feel comfortable reading your Bar Mitzvah Parsha, a Parsha you’ve prepared in the past or would like to prepare a new Parsha for a special occassion, please contact Chazan Arik at cantor@bethjacob.org.

Shabbat starts Friday: 6:53PM
Shabbat ends Saturday: 7:54PM
Sun, March 23 2025 23 Adar 5785