Bat Mitzvah Program
Torat Imecha Bat Mitzvah Seminar
A ten-part series given by Rebbetzin Jordana Topp
Sundays 10:00-11:30 AM
(Series takes place October - January, Dates TBD)
We invite mothers and daughters (5th and 6th grade) to learn about and connect with great Jewish women from Tanach to present day. Bond with each other and with other women in the community.
Based on the Matan Bat Mitzvah curriculum, each self contained class has a guided study portion (English translation provided for all sources), group discussion, and a fun activity of art, drama, or games.
Join us and become the next link in the chain of great Jewish women!
$100 Members | $150 Non-Members (for each mother/daughter pair)
Register at