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At this critical juncture for Israel, many of our members have been asking for effective ways to contribute. Below are a number of recommended organizations and initiatives. 

For those who would like to receive updates and action alerts about Israel, click here to join our new WhatsApp group. 

To read a special message of Chizuk from Rabbi Topp, please click here

Your partnership and support at this difficult time are deeply appreciated. Chazak V’amatz and Am Yisrael Chai

Volunteer In Israel

Israel is currently in need of "working hands," and we invite you to join us in this crucial effort. Your participation can make a significant difference. We encourage those who are able to volunteer in the fields, logistics centers, and to visit soldiers and wounded individuals. Whether you can commit to one week or a longer period, your presence holds immeasurable power.

For more details and information on the programs and opportunities below, please contact Chazan Arik Wollheim directly at cantor@bethjacob.org. 

Advocate For Israel

Please contact your member of congress and ask them to continue to support Israel

For other ways to encourage bipartisan political support of Israel please visit AIPAC's website for details.


Every day, this WhatsApp group offers concrete letter-writing and petitions to sign. The group has many members and has moved the needle on many things so far. 

Donations For Israel

Israel Emergency Fund

When you fill out the donation form, in the “donation notes” section, please write “Israel campaign”.
All funds will go directly to support the urgent needs of the IDF or/and Israeli families.

Kedem Arava

Kedem Arava is a young community located near Beit Arava, north of the Dead Sea, raising much needed funds for its security. This project is being run by the cousin of a Beth Jacob Member. 

Magen Dovid Adom

Paramedics, EMTS & first responders - treating the wounded and providing much needed blood supplies for the IDF and hospitals.

Through 10/20 donations will be matched 1:1 by Michael Bloomberg 

Friends of the IDF 

Umbrella organization providing a wide range of services for the IDF

Soroka Hospital

Located in Beersheva. This is the closest major hospital, treating hundreds of the wounded.

The Jewish Federation of Los Angeles has established an Israel Emergency fund through which your contributions will make a direct impact. 
IDF Relief 

Rav Rimon/Mizrachi providing for IDF soldiers in coordination with Army and government officials

United Hatzala

Rapid medical response across Israel. in an average response time of 3 minutes or less.


Rabbi Dovid Fine, in contact with many rabbis in the field, will direct funds to immediate needs such as food & supplies for soldiers, coordinated with commanders & officers

Grilling 4 IDF

providing food to the huge numbers of soldiers in the field, coordinated with the commanders and officers

Yeshivat Sderot

Provides extensive services year round to residents in Sderot


Providing a wide range of information referral services to Israelis, including donation opportunities


Israel’s rescue & recovery organization, with over 3,000 volunteers deployed around the country

One Family

Extensive services for victims of terror

Koby Mandell

The Koby Mandell Foundation offers therapeutic programs for victims of terror.

Israeli & US Car Flags

Tefillah for Israel

Kidnapped list of names for TEHILLIM


Updated list of Hostages


Our thoughts are with the IDF soldiers, and we'd like to include in our tefillot the names of those in our community currently serving. If you have a family member serving or called up to the IDF, please click here to submit their name for inclusion in our Weekly Bulletin.

Add a Name of Soldier  

Extra Tehillim

We invite you to join us at Beth Jacob for our daily and shabbat minyanim. Due to the emergency situation, we will be saying Avinu Malkenu after the weekday amidah in shacharit and mincha. 

Whether as individuals or in a group, we encourage you to say tehillim. If you’re looking for selected perakim (chapters) of tehillim, here are some perakim you can include in your tefillah: 3, 20, 83,120, 121, 130, 142

PDF of these Chapters of Tehillim 


Other Ways To Help

Medical Volunteers

Nefesh B’Nefesh, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Israeli Medical Association, is creating a database of international physicians willing to volunteer in Israel during this challenging time.

Medical Volunteer Info 


Extra Learning

All in person classes and learning via our WhatsApp channels will be dedicated to those in harms way. Visit our Weekday Shiurim page to see all of our learning opportunities.

Weekday Shiurim  


Resources for You & Your Children

Click here for a helpful video from Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox, Director of Chai Lifeline's Crisis Services, who gives guidance on how to talk to our children about these events.

Click here for an article from Generation Aleph on How to Talk to Children About the Situation in Israel.

Click here for guidelines from Ohel: Children's Home & Family Services on Israel at War: Managing the Trauma for Individuals and Families.

Click here for the Teens Stand with Israel Campaign by NCSY.

Shabbat starts Friday: 6:53PM
Shabbat ends Saturday: 7:54PM
Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785